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Digital Financial Services

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Using Digital Financial Services

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D2: Can you list the different Digital Financial Services you use?

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D1: Can you describe Digital Financial Services? What does Digital Financial Services mean to you?

Filter by Gender
38.8% 11.5% 49.8% DFS D1: Can you describe Digital Financial Ser…Sending and Receiving Money / Transactio…I can't describe itOther
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D3: How do you use Digital Financial Services?

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31.4% 25.9% 13.5% 12% 9.9% 7.3% DFS D3: How do you use these services?Send money or receive moneySave moneyPay bills e.g. KPLC, Water, ZukuGet loans, e.g. Mshwari, KCB-MPesa, etc.Buy goods, e.g. groceries, shoes, textbook…(2 other)
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Multiple answers per respondent possible.

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D1: Can you describe Digital Financial Services? What does Digital Financial Services mean to you? (Treatment)

Group: Treatment
35.1% 9.3% 55.7% DFS D1: Can you describe Digital Financial Ser…Sending and Receiving Money / Transactio…I can't describe it(54 other)
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D3: How do you use Digital Financial Services?

Group: Treatment
31.5% 28.2% 14.4% 11.8% 9.2% DFS D3: How do you use these services?Send money or receive moneySave moneyPay bills e.g. KPLC, Water, ZukuGet loans, e.g. Mshwari, KCB-MPesa, etc.Buy goods, e.g. groceries, shoes, textbook…(2 other)
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Multiple answers per respondent possible.

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D1: Can you describe Digital Financial Services? What does Digital Financial Services mean to you? (Control)

Group: Control
42% 13.4% 44.6% DFS D1: Can you describe Digital Financial Ser…Sending and Receiving Money / Transactio…I can't describe it(50 other)
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D3: How do you use Digital Financial Services?

Group: Control
31.4% 24% 12.7% 12.1% 10.5% 9.3% DFS D3: How do you use these services?Send money or receive moneySave moneyPay bills e.g. KPLC, Water, ZukuGet loans, e.g. Mshwari, KCB-MPesa, etc.Buy goods, e.g. groceries, shoes, textbook…(2 other)
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Multiple answers per respondent possible.

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DFS Knowledge and Abilities

  • Looking at how the respondents rate themselves being comfortable with DFS, we see that they average on about 67% on a scale of 0% to 100%. This means more than half of the respondents give themselves lower than a 70%.

  • Most people do not wanted or received help from anyone on how to use DFS. From the people that did get help, most got from an agent or a friend/family member.

  • When asked who else the respondents know that use DFS, they mention Friends/neighbours (36.9%), Family members (36%), and Household members (25.6%).

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Alternative histogram view on D4

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D4: Between 0% and 100%, how comfortable are you with using Digital Financial Services? of Respondents datacards

Filter by Gender
1009080706050403020100DFS D4: Between 0% and 100%, how comfortable are you with using Digital Financial Services?
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D7: Have you ever used Digital Financial Services from someone else’s phone?

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60.3% 39.7% DFS D7: Have you ever used Digital Financial …YesNo
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D5: Do you receive help from anyone on how to use Digital Financial Services?

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Challenges and wishes

These questions are free form text answers, hence the large proportion of 'Other' answers (the answers are very diverse, see a selection below). However, thanks to some coding, we can see some patterns when it comes to the challenges and wishes of the participants in regards to DFS.

  • When asked 'what do you dream of being able to do with DFS?', sizable chunks want to simply save, loan, transfer, or withdraw money.

  • Network problems make up more than 30% of the challenges the participants face with DFS. Another problem seems to be transferring money to the wrong person with DFS: 20.4% mention this as a challenge.

  • 18.6% of the respondents says that there is nothing they'd like to learn about DFS. 8.1% would like to learn more about how the interest rates are being calculated.

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D9: What do you dream of being able to do with Digital Financial Services?

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Multiple answers per respondent possible

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Selection of answers to D9

DFS D9: What do you dream of being able to do with Digital Financial Services?: Being able to control circulation of money through a specific network country wide., Being able to reduce corruption in our society because it stores records for future reference., Being able to use DFS to create more job opportunities to the youths., Doing Transaction without charges, He wishes that everyone may be in a position to register their own safaricom lines for Mpesa. He also wants to open his own Mpesa agent outlet in future., He really loves betting, especially on football but since he is Illiterate he is not able to and he really wants to learn. He however doesn't trust anyone to ask to be shown, If DFS can replace the use of cash in making payment country wide., Making it a mandatory that everyone above eighteen years should have a DFS account as per the law., Minds his own business and so he doesn't want anything that will involve others and his money or Pay hospital bills
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D10: What challenges are you facing with Digital Financial Services?

Gender: Male
32.6% 20.9% 9.3% 6.2% 6.2% 24.8% DFS D10: What challenges are you facing with…Network problems / delaysWrong transactionNo challengesFraudHigh charges(32 other)
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Multiple answers per respondent possible, percentages are calculated out of the total number of answers.

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D11: What else would you like to learn about Digital Financial Services?

Gender: Male
12.6% 8.1% 5.4% 68.5% DFS D11: What else would you like to learn ab…NothingHow interest rates are being calculatedNot sureUsing other services than my current oneAbout Mshwari lock(76 other)
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Selection of answers to D10

DFS D10: What challenges are you facing with Digital Financial Services?: He can't access money through his phone as he lost his identity card so has to ask his mother to receive on his behalf,, He cannot save the target that he has per week in Mshwari because of many responsibilities. Sometimes his Mshwari loans stays overdue due to lack of funds to repay back., Online theft cases which demoralise me from making transactions most of the time., At times she accidentally buys airtime and she cant reverse the transaction When she is late in repaying mshwari loan they increase the interest rate can borrow upto 300, At times his phone doesn't want to open the mpesa app which makes hard for him to use itIt times he tries to transfer money from mpesa to mshwari and and it doesn't workout, At times he receives calls and messages from conmen who pretend to have send money to him accidentally, Conmen who keep conning people using Mpesa. Her father in-law lost 30,000ksh to conman. They called him pretending to be safaricom people and they they are rewarding him for being a loyal customer, they asked for his detail, and later own that's when he realised his money had been stolen from his mpesa account and even bank account. or When a person using safaricom wants to send money to her airtel line she has to look for a person that uses safaricom to enable her withdraw money
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D10: What challenges are you facing with Digital Financial Services?

Gender: Female
28.6% 21.9% 19% 25.7% DFS D10: What challenges are you facing with…Network problems / delaysNo challengesWrong transactionHigh chargesFraud(27 other)
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Multiple answers per respondent possible, percentages are calculated out of the total number of answers.

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D11: What else would you like to learn about Digital Financial Services?

Gender: Female
25.5% 8.2% 59.2% DFS D11: What else would you like to learn ab…NothingHow interest rates are being calculatedEverythingNot sureUsing other services than my current one(58 other)
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Selection of answers to D11

DFS D11: What else would you like to learn about Digital Financial Services?: Any new product, Effects of DFS on developing countries., He would like to learn about internet based DFS., How DFS operates eg in terms of getting loans., How DFS can be used to help marginalised communities improve their living standards., How different networks come together to agree on the charge rates across all the networks., How i can safeguard my money from fraudsters., How interest rates are being shared between banks and mpesa when you make transactions., How interest rate are being calculated on the money borrowed from mshwari account., How interest rates are being calculated on money borrowed from mshwari account., How DFS machines are programmed to perform their functions., How to buy goods digitally, How to get a job with the microfices, How to pay bills like electricity and set to boxes through mpesa or How wrong number transactions can be retrieved by the users
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Last updated: 3 days ago